For a safe passenger experience
A public station is increasingly subject to security risks. Public transport operators need to protect their passengers, employees, goods, infrastructure and facilities against possible risks. However, At the same time it is also necessary to optimize the passenger experience and ensure a smooth process. Therefore, the station security represents a complex challenge. Besides police presence and the use of security services surveillance cameras in stations and on tracks as well as appropriate access control ensure greater security.

Change to Integration
The number of passengers using public transport is constantly increasing, especially in cities. In view of this, transportation companies are faced with a number of serious challenges: highly frequented facilities and very sensitive structures technical structures require special solutions for custom security concepts. As a result of the increasingly tense security situation, more and more regulations must be met in order to guarantee the safety and security of passengers.

The experts for intelligent solutions
The range of services offered by Honeywell Security includes all services related to railroad stations, trains, infrastructure facilities such as service plants as well as offices and administration buildings. Intelligent, efficient and reliable solutions guarantee safe and trouble-free operation, which is what transport operators need. With our comprehensive and up to the detail of well-thought safety concepts, from planning, design and commissioning to maintenance, we ensure safe and long-lasting operation of your installation.